Login: | GSRA AGM - August 16th - big changes to discuss and vote on !Hi Folks, The GSRA AGM will be held on Wednesday August 16th 2017, at Riverside Squash Club, Saint Oswald's Road Gloucester GL1 2TF, starting at 7.30pm.
Please can you ensure all clubs are represented at the AGM, in particular to enable you to discuss and vote on these rule and organisation changes, and all division winner to receive their awards. Can we have all winter squash league entries for 2017/18 in by this date - in which case you will benefit from a brilliant discounted entry fee of only £50 per team ! (The fee will be £60 per entry received after this date.) Entries should list the League, Club, team (A,B,C etc), team captain name and email, and requested division. If you have any items you wish to add to the agenda then please let us know ASAP ( by email to the County Chairman at . ) Please see the GSRA website ( for latest details. Thanks and best regards, GSRA Committee AGM Agenda GSRA AGM Date: Wednesday August 16th 2017 Agenda Proposed Winter Squash League Rule Changes 1. There will be 6 teams per division. Each team will play each other home and away. There will be promotion and relegation of teams at Christmas and at the end of the season. To earn the bonus points from a match win however, a minimum of 3 players must turn out and play for them to be awarded.
Old Pats A vs Riverside A Although Old Pats A win 9 points to 4, they do not receive the bonus points as only 2 matches were played. In terms of bringing players up or down, they can do this as they please as long as the club ranking order is still the same. for example, they cant bring up the no.2 string player from the 2nd team without the no.1 string if the no.1 string is to still play for the 2nd team on another night in that week. GSRA Organisation Changes We have discussed the notion of turning the GSA into a CIO (Charity Incorporated Organisation) to take away any liabilities from the committee members and also putting us in a better situation to ask for corporate sponsors. Alex Parker will offer more details of this on the day of the AGM. Leading on from this we have also discussed the merger of the GJSA and the GSA into 1 organisation to collaborate better among the two organisations and this will allow the change of status to the CIO a lot easier forth coming. It was agreed unanimously in favour of the merger and the CIO from the GJSA committee members along with myself, Alex Parker and Tom Ford there to represent the Seniors. This will need to be discussed and approved at the senior AGM to allow us to move on with the changes. I would also like that each club nominates a CLUB captain/representative that will be our first point of call for all communication outside of whats being published on the website. This will need to be acknowledged with them either turning up at the AGM or written notification sent to Rich Ellis prior to the AGM with full contact details made available for that person.
1. There will be one vote per affiliated club represented at the AGM for any proposed league rule changes, with the committee having the deciding vote in the event of a tie.
Congradulations to the division winners, and many thanks to everyone who entered and supported the GSRA Leagues. |